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News > School News > Six Years As One School

Six Years As One School

23 May 2024
School News

After centuries of operating as separate entities, Bury Grammar School (BGS) unified into one school on May 23, 2018.

Today, we celebrate six years of unity at Bury Grammar School and reflect on the School's evolution and progress since consolidating its seven distinct schools: Kindergarten, Infants, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Senior Boys, Senior Girls, and Sixth Form. Now functioning as smaller schools within one larger entity, BGS maintains a close-knit community where each child is well-known, and where all pupils benefit from a wealth of expert teachers, many of whom teach across multiple age ranges within school and enjoy our fantastic facilities.

Our amalgamation has facilitated cross-campus collaboration, allowing staff and pupils to utilise facilities spread across our 45-acre estate. This inclusive approach means even our youngest pupils have access to advanced, A Level standard facilities, ensuring equitable opportunities for everyone. Our teachers operate across different school divisions, enriching the Primary Division with specialist instruction in sports, music, and languages, and enhancing educational outcomes for all pupils through shared expertise.

This integration has bolstered our strong school community, celebrating pupil development across the entire school. The merging of faculties in the Senior School has expanded teaching departments, increasing specialist knowledge and fosters cross-site educational experiences enabling pupils to have availability to even greater resources and access to superior facilities.

Our Faculty Heads have shared their perspectives on the unification:

Mrs Lewis, Director of Studies, Teacher of Physics, told us

“In my eighteen years at Bury Grammar School, there have been many changes. However, the one with the biggest positive impact has undoubtedly been the unification into one school six years ago. Pupils benefit from an enriching, academic curriculum which is completely aligned using the best of the facilities across the whole campus. Operating as a single school has widened the opportunities we can offer and has refined and improved our academic offering as a result.” 

Mrs Bird, Year 6 Teacher, said 

“As a teacher in the Primary Division, the unification into one school has had an extremely positive impact on our pupils, staff, and whole-school community. It has allowed us to ensure our curriculum is seamless, providing our pupils with access to an even wider range of opportunities, facilities and resources, enhancing their educational and pastoral experiences. Strengthening links with our older pupils and students and seeing relationships flourish has been lovely. Coming together as one school has been a hugely positive experience.”

The unification has also streamlined operations across the school, enhancing consistency, collaboration, and continuity. We now employ a unified Management Information System for all divisions, and our integrated departments—IT, Catering, Finance, Estates, and HR—serve the entire campus efficiently. 

Our holistic approach to Pastoral Care ensures comprehensive wellbeing, leadership, and support, fostering an inclusive educational environment where pupils can excel and exceed their expectations.

The next academic year promises further enhancements, with cross-site working where pupils have the opportunity to enjoy the whole school. 

Mrs Anderson, Principal, said,

"Our school continues to advance and flourish year on year, reflecting our dedication to providing top facilities, excellent teaching, and a vast range of experiences for our pupils. I look forward to another successful year ahead." 


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Bury Grammar School
Tenterden Street, Bury
Lancashire, BL9 0HN



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